When Adoptee Merch was created and launched around New Year’s 2018 one of our missions was to be able to focus on putting adoptee voices first. As a give back to the adoptee community, we planned on gifting DNA kits to adoptees who might not be able to afford them otherwise. This is known as our DNA KIT COMMIT Program. We also wanted to provide a platform where adoptees could share their visions for adoptee merchandise, while in return we shared their stories and bring these visions to life. You can read a little more about this process here.
In the beginning months of 2018 and launching Adoptee Merch, we’ve been able to gift 2 DNA kits to adoptees. We’ve also shared many adoptee stories on why Adoptee Merch was created and how it aligns with their adoptee stories. You can read It takes a lot of courage and Adopted - SOLD to get a better idea of our Suggestion Box platform.
The first few months of Adoptee Merch was more than productive, but our focus and mission was quickly taken over by something that seemed more important. Some of you are familiar with Adoptees Connect, Inc. but for those who aren’t, Adoptees Connect, Inc. is a 501©(3) nonprofit that has been formed by Adoptee Merch founder and creator, Pamela Karanova. The soul purpose of Adoptees Connect is to create small connect groups around the USA that are adoptee centric, creating safe spaces for adult adoptees to share their hearts and build relationships with one another.
As Adoptees Connect has taken off like wildfire, Adoptee Merch was put on the back burner where it remained for most of 2018. Finding the time to create and bring visions to life has diminished due to the overwhelming response in Adoptees wanting to plant and launch their own Adoptees Connect groups around the USA. Sharing and posting on social media for Adoptee Merch has become almost nonexistent, which means things have been moving extremely slow in all regards. Most months that have passed, we’ve not made enough to cover the cost of the web hosting site for our e-commerce shop.
Leaving Adoptee Merch sit for almost an entire year, we’ve come to a cross roads about what we are going to do with this exciting aspect of providing something for the adoptee community that otherwise has been unavailable.
As Adoptees Connect has grown, so has the demand for Adoptees Connect Merchandise.
We’re constantly getting requests for adoptee related merchandise not only online, but our Adoptees Connect facilitators and attendees as well. In the process of this growth, we’ve implemented the process to get our logo trademarked so the only place to purchase Adoptees Connect merchandise will be through Adoptees Connect directly. We’re excited to announce that after some lengthy discussion and a long thought out process, we’ve decided to create a collaboration between Adoptee Merch and Adoptees Connect, Inc.
What does this mean for Adoptee Merch & Adoptees Connect moving forward?
Moving forward we’ve decided to discontinue our DNA Kit Commit Program, and take a huge step in donating 100% of our proceeds from Adoptee Merch to Adoptees Connect, Inc. In this decision, Adoptee Merch will be operated by Adoptees Connect, Inc. and we will be using it as a creative, inspiring and innovative way to fundraise for our cause. We pondered on creating an entirely new e-commerce shop for Adoptees Connect, Inc. but it made absolutely no sense to put all the time and money into creating something new, when Adoptee Merch is already created, operating, and has a potential to create some wonderful fundraising opportunities that will directly reflect our nonprofit, Adoptees Connect, Inc.
As we wind things down with our DNA Kit Commit Program we had hoped for more submissions for this program, and for more funds to be made which would make it possible to purchase more DNA kits. With Adoptees Connect taking off like it has, our plan hasn’t worked out exactly like we wished but it all boils down to a time and priority factor. We will always put Adoptees Connect, Inc. first due to it being our nonprofit, and our main passion and dedication in creating adoptee connect groups. Our hope is, as Adoptees Connect, Inc. grows, we will have more help with Adoptee Merch due to it being a wonderful fundraising opportunity for our cause and vision.
Today we can celebrate the fact that we we’re able to gift 2 adoptees with DNA Kits they would not otherwise be able to purchase. This is something we can all celebrate together as we move forward with our new visions. Please read Mary and Debbie's stories on our website. You will also find an update for Mary’s story here and we will receive one from Debbie in the near future. Thank you for everyone who supported us, who made these gifts possible. You all have been a key factor in these adoptees receiving the truth they have waited their entire lives to get. You are appreciated!
We are proud to emphasize we will be encouraging any adoptees who have ideas or suggestions for our merchandise to submit your ideas to our Suggestion Box. This will be a core highlight of Adoptees Connect, and a new part of our vision moving forward. What is the suggestion box? Our goal is to get input from adoptees near and far and integrate many ideas into our designs. We're taking a specific twist into wearing "Adoptee Words" which will elevate the Adoptee Voice. If you are interested, please send us your suggestions and we will look at them. After careful consideration we will contact you if we're interested in putting your suggestions into a graphic design which will then be shared via Adopee Merch. We want to share your story along with the graphic design and why this is important to you. If you have any ideas, please take advantage of our Suggestion Box feature.
At Adoptee Merch, we believe in putting adoptee voices first. We were founded as a reflection of raising adoptee voices through branded clothing and merchandise. We desire to make a statement and let the world know how many of us feel through merchandise designed specifically for adoptees. We strive to empower adoptees one step at a time by creating powerful merchandise that aligns with the adoptee experience.
We have something for everyone.
We’re excited to launch our new collaboration with Adoptees Connect, Inc. and we appreciate all the overwhelming love and support we have received this far.
We’re stronger TOGETHER!
Much Love,
All things, Adoptee Merch.