Adoptee Remembrance Day

Adoptee Remembrance Day – October 30th serves several purposes. It raises public awareness of crimes against adoptees by adoptive parents, an action that current media doesn’t recognize. It also allows us to publicly mourn and honor the lives of our brothers and sisters who we have lost and who might otherwise be forgotten. Through these actions, we express love and respect for the adoptee community. Adoptee Remembrance day reminds others that we are their sons, daughters, parents, friends and lovers. Adoptee Remembrance day gives our allies a chance to step forward with us, memorializing those who’ve died too soon, and it also recognizing the loss all adopted people experience, before they’re actually adopted.
While this topic remains sensitive in nature, adoptees who are murdered by their adoptive parents is increasing around the world. It is a time to honor their legacy by setting aside a day just for them. While those who have passed away before us, are no longer able to speak and share their stories or voices, there are many adoptees today who are paving the way for the voiceless to become strong enough to share their voices and stories. We are the voice of the voiceless. This is what Adoptee Remembrance Day is all about.
You might be an adoptee, an adoptive parent, a biological parent, a friend, or a sibling of an adoptee? Whatever side of the constellation you are on, you are invited to participate in Adoptee Remembrance Day. Together, we are creating Adoptee Remembrance Day – October 30th to highlight much needed topics. We hope it will ignite conversations of awareness of the adoptee experience by those who have lived it, the adoptees.
We aim to spark conversations about the adoptees that did not make it. What about all the memories lost, never to be found? What about the adoptees that have not found a community of their own? What about those who have not made it to the other side of healing? What if healing is not possible? What if you lost an adoptee? Does grieving last forever?
While our aim is to lift the legacy of those who are no longer with us, we are also wanting to share the truth of how adoption has impacted each of us. We are opening October 30th up to be our day of truth, transparency, and remembrance for adoptees all over the world. We are also remembering the heartbreaking loss that all adoptees experience, which deserves to be acknowledged. We must acknowledge that all adoptions begin with extremely complex multi layered loss FIRST.
Let us also include this day is for the families and friends who have lost a loved one to adoption. Maybe you have been searching for them, but you cannot find them? Maybe you had an open adoption and it was suddenly closed? Maybe you are a birth parent who lost a child to adoption. We see you. This day is for you too.
Click here to learn what you can do to for Adoptee Remembrance Day