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A Message From Our First Customer, Leslie Pate MacKinnon

Posted by Adoptee Merch. on

I was thrilled to learn that I was the very 1st customer of Adoptee Merch.
I've become increasingly excited over the past few years as adoptee voices are getting stronger and demanding to be heard.  It is adopted individuals are going to change the way the world views adoption.  After all, if it's all about the child being placed, then we damn well better listen to mature adoptees as they evaluate the process they endured w/o giving any input. 
Now the idea of tee shirts really appeals to me because I think we are all individual billboards, traipsing across the earth. Why not start conversations to educate others about the realities of adoption. 
The memes and phrasing have gotten so good, put one of yours in the Suggestion Box at Adoptee Merch. 
Who knows, it might just be an opportunity to enlighten.
Leslie Pate MacKinnon

Leslie Pate Mackinnon has practiced psychotherapy for four decades. She resides in Atlanta and presents both nationally and internationally on the issues that impact families conceived through adoption and third-party reproduction. She’s been featured on GOOD MORNING AMERICA, CNN, DAN RATHER REPORTS  and THE KATIE COURIC SHOW along with her oldest son. Leslie is featured in a book The Girls Who Went Away, and a documentary A GIRL LIKE HER. .  Drawn to the field by placing her two firstborn sons for adoption when she was a teenager, her passion is to educate as many therapists as possible; before she drops! She currently serves on the Donaldson Adoption Institute’s Board of Directors, and Concerned United Birthparent’s Board of Directors. She offers consultation for the newTLC program,  LONG LOST FAMILY.  Her job is that of helping the participants manage the emotional intensity of the reunion process.


For more information about Leslie, please visit www.lesliepatemackinnon.com.



On behalf of Adotpee Merch. we value your input and we're so thankful for your support as we navigate this adventure in the adoption world. You know how difficult things like this can be. With focusing our eye on the prize in hoping to spark MORE conversations than ever before we will open up new doors of enlightenment, not just online but in our neighborhoods, communities and grocery lines in our everyday lives as well. 

THANK YOU for supporting us! <3 

Founder, Pamela Karanova